Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Lady Pearl

Check this out!

One of my closest friends, Anna, a talented graphic designer and visual artist, has created the cool poster of my face.

What an honour!

You can see her portfolio at:

Actually, her birthday was last week!
I regret I couldn't see her in person to celebrate the special day with her.

We lived together in Toronto (yes, we used to be roommates, and sometimes a landlady and a tenant. I was the tenant. Anna got her own nice new condo which was designed by her dad and I moved in the place.) but now we are so far apart being in Canada and Japan.

Its okay. One day we will have a huge party to make up all the missed events!! Hehe

The picture was taken in 2012 when I was still in Toronto.

Happy birthday pretty lady Pearl!!
Really wish to see you soon!



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